Now, we are able to detect and decrypt TLS/SSL protected traffic in our Web-content filtering component. If your PC can run the full version of Windows 8.1, it can run Premier. In addition to all the features of Internet Security, you are getting advanced security measures keeping your PCs and network even safer. Looking for the ultimate? You’re in the right place. Avast Premier automates software updating so you don’t have to think about it. It’s the weakest link in most people’s security. Internet Security: Our best-seller because it offers the protection people need with the performance and flexibility they want. Premier: Avast Premier gives you the highest level of security, automation, and support you need and want.

avast! is only the most trusted name in antivirus, actively protecting more than 200 million PCs, Macs and Androids. Avast! Internet Security / Premier Antivirus, Our most advanced security suite adds military-grade data shredding and automatic software updates in addition to antivirus, firewall, and Home Network Security.